

                                             Rohingyas: Centuries-long Persecution !!!!

How much you know about Rohingyas???
The Rohingyas are centuries old ethnic minority living in majority Buddhist Myanmar’s Eastern Rakhine State, with a population of one million have attracted the global attention in terms of killings and Human Rights Violation. 
What's actually going on???
In present days, the lives of Rohingyas are in danger due to several factors. Firstly, Myanmar is bordered by some Islamic states like- Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia and the muslim Rohingyas are seen as a treat for Buddhism by the state which is considered the root cause of tension. Secondly, Rakhaine state is considered as the poorest, financially exploited state in the country despite full of resources. The Buddhist Rakhaines treat the Rohingyas as their competitors for additional resources and an extra economic burden and the central government takes their side only to maintain political interests.
Where Humanity remains Silent!!!
Neglegency from the central government, Rohingyas are compled to flee away from their ancestor's home and introduced themselves to the world as migrants. Besides, daughet of Democracy, Nobel Laurite Aung San Suu Kyi remained silent on this crucial issue whereas her famous quote tells something different- 'The Democracy process provides for political and social change without violence'. As migrants, they tried to sail out for Malaysia and Indonesia, Thailand and they have turned away Rohingya by the hundreds because the countries claim they are financially unable to accept them. Bangladesh, densely populated country, has been pressurized by external bodies to take Rohingyas instead of pressurizing Myanmar, although they have gained much appreciation for taking Rohingyas in 1991. 
Who will play the pivotal role to solve this isse???
The answer is definitely ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) and it can still promote transnational cooperation to resolve the Rohingya issue. May, 2015, Bangkok Conference of South and Southeast Asian States has become a first initiative about this tension, though no positive breakthrough came out.
Proposing Action Plan:
Three international organizations- the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHRC) , International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)  have already shared the some action plans to tackle the Southeast Asia migrant crisis. Also Human Rights Watch (HRW) proposed the rights of those migrant people stranded at sea or in holding camps should be the top priority. 

The problem is still unsolved and the future is undetermined for the Rohingya. More than 140,000 of the estimated 800,000 to 1,100,000 Rohinga have been foced to seek refuge(2012 Report). This problem is only solved if the Myanmar government will take some initiatives and sit for negociatation betwen the Rakhaines(Buddisht Majority) & the Rohingyas.

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